Eliran Ouzan
Eliran Ouzan

Eliran Ouzan

Eliran Ouzan is the Co. Founder and designer of Host Advice and also owns Moonshot Marketing LTD, a leading web design & development firm and was a member at GreenPeace. Widely known for his pixel-perfect and high conversion rate web designs. Over the course of his web experience he experimeneted with over 200 web hosting companies and have a superior knowledge on what defines a good hosting company.

Eliran Ouzan is the Co. Founder and designer of Host Advice and also acts as the CEO Moonshot Marketing LTD, A leading Algorithmic advertising firm and was a member at GreenPeace.

Widely known for his pixel-perfect and high conversion rate web designs, Eliran has always been a designer at heart. Ever since he was a child he’s been fiddling with MS paint (it was called paintbrush back then) and has since moved on to more professional media such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, AfterEffects, InDesign and 3DMax. He has mastered most of the software programs in the design category, which allows him to create complex and intricate designs.

Eliran is incredibly passionate about his profession. He spends a lot of his time working, but he loves what he does and he enjoys every minute of it.

Eliran also specalizes in SEO, Unique UI & UX (with an emphasis on maximizing conversion rate) and has managed the design, development and promotion of over a thousand websites in his career.

Whenever Eliran has some free time and isn’t struggling with his sporadic gaming addiction, he enjoys long walks on the beach, a glass of pinot noir and an occasional good book.

He also has a very peculiar habit of wearing a cape and pretending to be a super hero, whilst making sound effect noises.

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