Freehostia Review Freehostiaのお客様による専門家とユーザーのインサイト: 1. Experience in offering web hosting services
Freehostia has been among the most preferred providers on the free hosting scene for more than 10 years now. Our experience and skills accumulated throughout this period allowed us to create a web hosting platform of our own making, offering an intuitive user-friendly Control Panel, an in-house built 1-click free PHP scripts insta... 価格 共有ホスティング ¥0 - ¥1,440 VPS ¥2,020 - ¥22,470 専用サーバー ¥9,370 - ¥44,650 This brand does not have enough data for us to review properly
Best Hosting Providers by HostAdvice Users 1 Best Overall
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無料のドメイン登録、毎日のバックアップ、無料のCloudFlare CDN
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Pinned review Melissa Athina
カナダより |
09 Apr, 2024 | 21:04 I've been with Freehostia since 2013 I work on websites for a living. I choose to personally host with Freehostia because they do not price-gouge for the same services as some of the ~bigger~ names in hosting. It's been a pleasure watching the product develop over time and I intend to stick along for the ride.
Shared Hosting プラン名 容量 帯域幅 OS パネル サイト数 価格 Chocolate 24.99 MB 6.04 GB 5 ¥0 Watercircle 2 GB 49.97 GB 10 ¥430 Lovebeat 2 TB 1 TB 20 ¥720 Wildhoney 無制限 無制限 無制限 ¥1,150 Supernatural 無制限 無制限 無制限 ¥1,440
VPS プラン名 容量 CPU RAM OS 価格 OVZ01 30 GB 1 コア 1 GB ¥2,020 OVZ02 50 GB 1 コア 2 GB ¥3,750 OVZ03 70 GB 2 コア 3 GB ¥5,190 OVZ04 90 GB 2 コア 4 GB ¥6,630 OVZ05 110 GB 3 コア 5 GB ¥8,070 OVZ06 135 GB 3 コア 6 GB ¥9,510 OVZ07 180 GB 4 コア 8 GB ¥12,390 OVZ08 225 GB 4 コア 9 GB ¥15,270 OVZ09 270 GB 4 コア 10 GB ¥18,150 OVZ10 330 GB 4 コア 11 GB ¥22,470 Fiber KVM 20 GB 1 コア 1 GB ¥2,020 Cyber KVM 40 GB 2 コア 2 GB ¥3,750 Hyper KVM 80 GB 3 コア 4 GB ¥6,630 Sniper KVM 160 GB 4 コア 8 GB ¥12,390
Dedicated Server プラン名 容量 CPU RAM OS 価格 Arctic 1 Atom 500 GB 2 x 1.80GHz 4 GB ¥9,370 Arctic 2 Atom 256 GB 4 x 2.40GHz 8 GB ¥10,810 Arctic 3 Atom 512 GB 8 x 2.40GHz 8 GB ¥12,250 Atlantic 1 Opteron 2 TB 6 x 2.10GHz 8 GB ¥12,960 Atlantic 2 Opteron 2 TB 12 x 2.10GHz 16 GB ¥14,400 Pacific 1 Xeon 1 TB 4 x 2.10GHz 16 GB ¥15,840 Pacific 2 Xeon 1 TB 4 x 2.00GHz 16 GB ¥21,600 Pacific 3 Xeon 1 TB 8 x 2.60GHz 16 GB ¥24,480 Pacific 4 Xeon 2 TB 10 x 1.80GHz 32 GB ¥28,800 Pacific 5 Xeon 1 TB 16 x 2.60GHz 32 GB ¥37,450 Pacific 6 Xeon 2 TB 20 x 1.80GHz 64 GB ¥44,650
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