ScalaHosting - 専門家とユーザーのレビュー - 2024

ScalaHosting Review


ScalaHosting excels with its robust and adaptable hosting services. Their standout Cloud VPS hosting offers seamless scalability, while their WordPress plans cater to users of all technical levels, making it an ideal choice for diverse hosting needs.
  • 共有ホスティング ¥420 - ¥3,580
  • VPS ¥0 - ¥9,840
  • クラウドホスティング ¥0 - ¥13,360
  • 再販業者 ¥2,110 - ¥6,330
  • すべて表示
  • ロンドン
  • ダラス
  • ソフィア
  • パリ
  • フランクフルト・アム・マイン
  • すべて表示
ScalaHosting を訪問する 利用可能なクーポン 2
ScalaHosting を訪問する Check Coupons 2


Does ScalaHosting have a cPanel?

ScalaHosting has a cPanel that is easy to use, but it also comes with a custom control panel known as SPanel. Both panels are user-friendly and come with a bunch of tools that enhance your and your customers’ experience.

Will I get a free domain name?

Unfortunately, ScalaHosting offers a free domain name only for the first year. It’s not the best but is a considerable bonus.

Is ScalaHosting support team friendly?

Having a friendly team is great, but having a friendly and knowledgeable team is even better. ScalaHosting comes with the second version. Their team is knowledgeable and always happy to solve any of your issues.

Is ScalaHosting worth it?

ScalaHosting might be a bit more expensive in comparison to other web host providers, but I can 100% say that it is worth it. Its hosting plans come with incredible features, and you won’t be disappointed.

Does ScalaHosting offer a website builder?

Unfortunately, ScalaHosting is one of the web host providers that don’t offer a free website builder. If you want to use one, you must pay some additional fees.

Can I migrate my already-existing website?

Yes, you can. ScalaHosting expert team will take care of the website migration in the blink of an eye. In other words, you should just do one simple click, and you’ll get your old website.

Does the money-back guarantee cover all services?

Even though you might expect a refund for some services, ScalaHosting does not offer a refund for purchased dedicated servers, renewal, transfer, or domain registration, software licenses, and custom software installs.

What is ScalaHosting?

ScalaHosting is a fully managed cloud hosting platform based on the open-source language Scala. It allows businesses to build, deploy, and manage applications in the cloud with ease.

ScalaHosting provides scalability, flexibility, reliability, and cost savings for organizations of any size. With its comprehensive set of services, it is easy to build powerful applications quickly and efficiently.


Is ScalaHosting good?

ScalaHosting allows scalability and flexibility, making it a great choice for businesses with changing needs. Additionally, ScalaHosting has powerful tools and libraries that make coding easier, faster, and more intuitive.

Is it easy to deploy applications on ScalaHosting?

Yes, it is easy to deploy applications on ScalaHosting  due to the automated nature of the process. It also offers plenty of features and benefits for businesses looking to develop robust applications quickly and easily.

What are the best alternatives to ScalaHosting?

Some of the best alternatives of ScalaHosting are Digital Ocean, Cloudways, and Verpex hosting.


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