In this FastComet vs easyname comparison, our extensive tests on both providers cover everything from pricing and performance to customer feedback. We find out which one stands out. This comprehensive analysis gives you a clear picture of why easyname is often the preferred choice for website owners.
Top customer service. 5 stars and price / performance leader. Especially the webhosting packages are worth a look, since the prices don't skyrocket wh...
en you renew your plan like other well-known providers do.
When it comes supporting business needs Fastcomet totally failed. Especially their email services facing downtime for some kind of reason.
Not reco...
mmend them for business needs. If you have some amateur website with recipes maybe works or you.
I am already looking for alternative hosting company and for sure alternative email services.
Horrible customer service, no information, no detail!
I have paid 25 euros for easyname yet in return got nothing. Plus I had to submit a few documents including my id number etc, which THEY DID NOT MENTI...
It has been 4 days, yet no answer from the customer service. I suggest you to waste your money on something more valuable if you are insist of paying for a domain website.