In this Wix Website Builder vs FastComet comparison, our extensive tests on both providers cover everything from pricing and performance to customer feedback. We find out which one stands out. This comprehensive analysis gives you a clear picture of why FastComet is often the preferred choice for website owners.
I switched from Wordpress to WiX when I discovered them in 2011 or thereabouts. I’ve seen WiX grow with their services, offerings, technology and more...
! Almost every one of my customers moved their websites to WiX! Yes, I designed their websites. Support? In the beginning it wasn’t the best! Now, they’re by far the absolute best! Friendly, patient and very helpful. I’m glad I’m with WiX!
Stay away from this company. Not trustworthy. Hosting your website there may also hurt your image, as they will no take action against spamming sites ...
they host. If you report a spam website hosted by Wix, they will suggest that you UNSUBSCRIBE from that website. Which actually NOTIFIES the spammer about your email having unsubscribed. Which is something that pretty much everyone knows should NOT be done when dealing with spam.
When you point this out to their support, they will stop responding to you. Don't host your legit website there if you care for your reputation.
When it comes supporting business needs Fastcomet totally failed. Especially their email services facing downtime for some kind of reason.
Not reco...
mmend them for business needs. If you have some amateur website with recipes maybe works or you.
I am already looking for alternative hosting company and for sure alternative email services.